Monday, November 23, 2020

A Not So Happy Thanksgiving


For all of you who are planning to gather with family during the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, I envy you and I hope you enjoy your time together. You see my family has made the difficult and very emotional choice to spend this holiday apart to protect each other from the Corona virus.

Since making this choice as a family, it has provided me the opportunity to reflect back on my previous 65 Thanksgivings and I can remember only once not gathering with family whether it was at our family farm every year prior to 2012 or at one of my daughter’s homes here in Columbus or Austin, Texas.  

My only Thanksgiving apart from my family was the year I had moved to Richmond, Virginia for a new job. I did have the day off but not enough time to travel home to Ohio, so I spent the day preparing a turkey roll, boxed mashed potatoes and a pumpkin pie that had the consistency of soup. A phone call to the farm where my family and my future in-law family were enjoying the day together also made me sad and jealous knowing of the conversations, the laughter, the smells, the food, the walk through the woods that I was missing but grateful knowing they were together and would be for the next 40 years.

Thanksgiving at the farm was always an open invitation to family and friends, a place to gather if the option was a day alone or just to bring a friend to experience what seemed to be the perfect Thanksgiving and enjoy my Grandma’s cooking. The menu was no different than anyone else would have and the good china and silverware would be on display on a dining room table that was surrounded with more chairs than elbow room  and seemed to strain under the weight of the food on the plates and serving dishes.

 It was the day my kids would bring their school picture and slide it in front of the previous year’s pictures, all crammed into their great grandma’s 8 ½ x 11 frames that she lovingly displayed on a large round table in a room that was called  the Christmas tree room where a month later we would celebrate Christmas together.

Thanksgiving was the one day my Grandma, a meat cutter by trade and a farm wife at home, became a woman obsessed with table settings and the perfect dining table as if Miss Manners had somehow taken over. We all gathered at a table set perfectly, weapons, er, silverware laid out in correct order including salad forks and butter knives along with plates and bowls of food sitting awaiting the initial lap around the table.

But one year something was missing and only my 4-year-old brother took notice. He pried himself loose from his place at the table and went to the kitchen and retrieved a plastic container of strawberry jelly that would be a part of table settings any other day. This was my Grandma’s much beloved and coveted freezer jelly and as I said, a staple during any other meal. But much to the embarrassment seen on my Grandma’s face, he placed it beside his plate, took what he needed and passed it on for others to enjoy. Problem solved and a story to be told every year along with the price of oysters in the oyster stuffing, what time the turkey went in the oven and what exactly is minced meat.                                                                     

We no longer celebrate these holidays at the farm but my family, especially my kids, continue many of the traditions and our family and often extended family has continued to gather as one, except for this year.

After considering many options including testing, gathering and staying 6 feet apart or eating in shifts, we concluded the best thing we can do for ourselves in order to be safe and hopefully remain healthy is to not come together as a family. In some ways it is a relief and as I hear of more and more families choosing to do the same, I feel good about our decision. My daughter and son-in-law will still cook the same food and they have provided us a menu to choose what we would like on “our plate” and they will box our choices up for us to pick up. Once everyone is home with their food, we will gather, except this time on a Zoom call.

Our hope is that by making yet another sacrifice this year, we are protecting each other as well as doing our part to battle this deadly virus and next year and for years to come we will again be able to celebrate holidays together.

 It is becoming more and more obvious that until each and every person in this country treats this virus and it’s deadly outcomes as seriously as it has attacked the world, the problem is going to become more serious and more deadly to the point where it will rob us of the freedom to choose how we lead our daily lives, simply because too many selfishly ignore the obvious and continue to infect our country with not only this virus but divisiveness.

If we are not smart enough to recognize the truth that this disease is getting worse and mature enough to take the responsibility to do the things that will help until a vaccine is ready, then we will soon become the world’s test tube, demonstrating how not to battle Covid19,  let hospitals fill beyond the capacity of the building and those working to provide care to the sick and dying and continue to ignore the desperate needs of our fellow American’s whose jobs and homes are disappearing each day. Welcome to the new American experiment.

So for that one day when we would normally gather to celebrate what we are thankful for, I will spend the day alone, not grateful for why this is happening, not thankful for the job I just lost, but missing my family of which I may never see again should I somehow contract Covid19. Nope, I will spend the day angry at the world and those who continue to think of just themselves instead of taking a day to maybe change the world and our once proud nation begin to heal instead of not caring about those who have been lost to the ugliness of the last 8 months.

I do still envy those of you who will gather with your family on Thanksgiving and I will pray for you and your families that none of you get sick as a result of ignoring the advice given and I will grieve along with you should something even worse happen to anyone in your family. But I will not celebrate your good fortune should no one become ill or die after Thanksgiving.  I’m saving that for the day we are rid of this disease and my family can again come together with pride, knowing our sacrifices made a difference and we were a part of the solution and not a cause of the problem. I just hope you and your families can be grateful for that day as well. Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, March 23, 2020

We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know

When it comes to knowing or even predicting what will happen with the spread of the Corona Virus, it is still too soon to know how many will become sick, or more sadly, how many will die from being infected with this enemy and that is exactly what this has become. By simply looking at the rising number of victims of this faceless virus, it is winning.

But the sooner we all arm ourselves with knowledge, the sooner we listen to and trust the advice of experts and adhere to the orders and actions being taken by each state, the better our chances of defeating this enemy before the numbers in this country become the example of how not to handle this very credible pandemic.

Those who choose to ignore or scoff at the leaders and experts who are temporarily changing our day to day lives, the more chances there are this proven deadly virus could spread and that is when it becomes scary.

Yes, these are extreme measures being taken by local and state officials in order to contain this attack, tactics we may have considered impossible to put into place just weeks ago, but none the less they are being ordered and believe it or not it is for our own good. These people have been elected to office to serve and protect their constituents. We can debate their abilities, their knowledge and their soundness, but the bottom line is these are the people who need to help us. For the most part these elected officials chose to be in this position, with the intent of making our lives better and safer through laws and legislation. Normally there is much debate as to their abilities and if what they do for us is really in our best interest. But this is one time we do not have the time nor the knowledge to doubt, debate or demonstrate against them. 

This is one time each and every one of us needs to become a part of the solution and not be a bystander or naysayer, whose opinions and unwillingness to fight this enemy out of sheer ignorance, results in the  loss of  friends and family for the rest of us.

It is still way to early to use numbers to base opinions. Numbers can be interpreted to support beliefs and actions and at the same time they can sway people into a false sense of security by simply finding the numbers that support their beliefs. If ever there was a time to just listen and follow the fact based information being provided to us each day, it is now.

Today we follow a curve, a line that will demonstrate our ability to unite against this deadly enemy resulting in a downward movement of this deadly curve. Or it will document our stubbornness, ignorance and our arrogance as the line continues its upward movement until we have lost loved ones and our country is no longer recognizable as  the greatest nation on earth. The direction of this curve can be affected beginning now, either up or down, and we still have the power over the curve but only  by the actions we take, the temporary sacrifices we make and the trust we place in the experts who are advising those who have chosen to serve and protect us.

It is your choice, support and live by the guidelines of those who have surrounded themselves with experts and facts and are use this vital information to make the right decisions that will protect us and one day find the cure that defeats this enemy. Or you can choose to ignore and complain or even worse provide false information and deliver theories based on hate and ignorance. However, by doing so prepare to be witness to the death and destruction at the hands of an enemy who does not even have the ability to decide who and where to attack. This deadly virus is incapable of feelings or emotions and knows no difference as to the color of skin, gender, sexual preference or religious beliefs. It is only capable of spreading amongst us and will continue to do so because we allowed it to.  Instead of taking all measures to stop it, we are choosing to let it sicken and kill family and friends and the curve will just continue its upward direction.

For just this once just put aside what will prove to be petty beliefs, conspiracy theories and ignorance because these are not the weapons of choice to defeat this. It no longer matters where it came from, who started it or even who has more of a chance to be affected by it. The time is now to accept that this virus is here and it is killing and it has the potential to kill like no other disease ever has or ever will again in our lifetime. This is the time to unite as one, as only this nation has the capability of doing and proving to the rest of the world that we are the greatest and strongest nation because of it’s people no matter color or nationality and our caring for those around us. Hatred will not defeat this virus. Unfounded opinions will not defeat this virus. It is now up to us to trust the facts and the experts, do what is asked, stay positive and know by doing so we are making a bad situation better each day until once again our lives can return to normal.

By placing our confidence in the knowledge of the experts who are providing facts and knowledge to advise our government, officals, we will continue to defeat this enemy and save countless lives. By caring for ourselves and watching out for one another while maintaining a positive attitude and spreading good will, our country and our lives will return to normal. But the  those of us who refuse to believe that this virus will continue to sicken and kill and continue to deliver words of hate and disbelief, the longer we will all suffer as a country and the more we will ultimately sacrifice in days to come.

When its said and done, do you want to be amongst those who celebrate the day we begin to return to normalcy and take back the place we proudly call home, or be the one who could not wait for the day to say I told you so only to discover our lives have been permanently changed and not for the good.  

Still today we remember and honor the heroes of 9-11, those first responders who went forward without fear with the intent of helping the innocent victims of this tragedy. Beginning today each of us has the opportunity to be that first responder, that person that can say I did my part to eradicate a deadly virus that had the potential to change the face of our country, and all that is asked of us is to the  to listen, trust and do what is being asked. By refusing to do so or even doubt the decisions and advice being provided to us, you have chosen to become the enemy of the people who want to return our country to it's greatness. The only difference between you and the Coronavirus is you made the choice to help destroy lives instead of helping to save lives.

Matt McCandlish
Columbus, Ohio

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Can't Weight Anymore

 I once read in an article on photography that the beauty of a photograph is that it captures a moment that is gone forever and impossible to recreate.
There are two pictures that captured moments in my life, moments that both amazed and embarrassed me because of the way I looked and felt. Both were taken at weddings, joyous occasions where no one can escape the lens of a camera, that piece of glass that somehow changes the way you think you look. After seeing the first picture I convinced myself it had to be the angle the shot was taken or the way I was seated, there was no way I looked like that.
But the disturbing truth was revealed after the 2nd wedding when the happy couple sent a picture with someone who looked eerily like the person at the 1st wedding. I could no longer deny the truth or blame it on a camera lens that had some sort of personal vendetta against me. Despite the way I felt physically, the inability to walk a flight of stairs or not being able to stand for more than a minute, I was denying the fact that I was morbidly obese for too long. Two moments in what was left of my life had been captured, moments that would change my life.

The list of diets I have tried range from South Beach to bananas, Atkins to cabbage and of course who doesn’t believe Marie Osmond or Dan Marino when they talk about how the Nutri System diet will shed pounds and inches. I celebrated success at losing weight only to see the pounds return like an unwanted friend who brought more friends. I reached weights that would be the envy of an NFL linemen , but were quickly shortening my life.
As my weight grew, my family did as well with 5 grandchildren. I wanted nothing more than to do the fun things grandfathers are supposed to do. So instead of spoiling them, which is the first rule of grand-parenting, I was cheating them, my own children and myself of the happiness that we all deserved.
I knew about bariatric bypass surgery and I know people that are enjoying the benefits of large amounts of weight loss by having their stomach reduced. I always thought how great for them and they look great, but I have a stubborn side that says if I work at something hard enough, I will reap the benefits. I just needed put forth the effort needed to help extend my life.
But I was fighting another battle, one against the time I have left in this precious life because, as the pounds were adding up, I felt like my remaining days were dwindling.  So I started doing some research and asked my trusted friend and Doctor if having this surgery was an option. I thought I knew what his answer would be since our beliefs in hard work paying off were the same. However, he shocked me and said enthusiastically that I should seriously consider the surgery as an option. It was as if I was waiting for him to tell me and he was waiting for me to ask. Now all I needed to do was convince myself that I couldn’t wait any longer without serious, if not deadly consequences to my life.
 I attended an Ohio Health Surgical Weight Management Seminar and after hearing Dr. Sonnenstine explain the benefits of weight loss by surgery I was more than convinced this is what I needed to do if I no longer wanted to live the life I was living.
After being accepted into the program based on BMI, being a-symptomatic with atrial Fibrillation, high blood pressure and sleep apnea I did not hesitate telling people I was beginning the process. It was my way of celebrating the choice I had made and I also knew by telling others, they would hold me accountable.
I chose the Gastric Bypass surgery called Roux-en-Y based on the recommendations of the surgical staff. My thought was if I’m having this done, I want the surgery with the greatest chance of success.  The decision seemed obvious and simple and I began the process that would eventually lead to my surgery date.
But what happened next would dash any hopes I had to extend my life through surgery.
Because of the weight being distributed to my feet, the tendons in my right foot gave up and ruptured. This would require surgery, 6 weeks of non-weight bearing on the foot and 3-months before I could even consider returning to some normalcy in my life. So I was faced with the decision as to which surgery should come first?  I consulted with friends and Doctors and it quickly became quite clear, the foot surgery was needed and had to come first and the bariatric bypass would-be put-on hold. The 3 months passed, and physical therapy had begun, and I once again was excited  to work towards a date for the surgery I wanted.
Now I’m a believer that things happen for a reason, but sometimes an explanation as to the reason for the reason is only fair. In this case, another surgery on my foot was needed because it was not healing properly. But this time I was prepared to deal with the three-month recovery.  I had mastered the knee scooter and if it fit into a car, I was mobile enough to get to where I needed to go.
Each month, I scootered to my required meetings with psychiatrists and dieticians thinking this was only a formality in the process of solving my weight problem. I’m sure I was like most people and despite my physical appearance, I knew what I should eat, what foods to avoid and what foods contained the protein I needed. I just chose to eat the foods that made me happy.
 I treated the meetings with the dietitian as an insurance mandated, bureaucratic impediment meant to help insurance companies save money. Make the patient go to enough insignificant meetings and the patient will eventually give up and leave the program. I could not have been more wrong.
These well trained and educated people know more about food and eating habits than I can ever hope to learn. But more importantly they know people. They know people who think they can just go through the motions to get to the surgery. The Dietitian is the gate keeper to a healthy future, they hold the coveted key to improved health and well-being.  So, it’s best to give them the time, effort and attention they so well deserve.
I discovered this the day I showed up with no water, vague information on my green diary sheets and struggled to give answers to their questions simply because I don’t know everything. By the end of the meeting my Dietitian laid it out for me, “I don’t think you are ready for surgery.”
I was using my foot, my job and my lifestyle as excuses instead of taking advantage of the valuable information these people were trying to teach me. Her comment was the wakeup call I needed. What I learned that day was there are no short cuts, no easy road to surgery and the surgery is just one part of an overall plan to make you a better, healthier and happier person. What I did next would be the turning point in how I approached this life saving opportunity I was being provided.
I was travelling for my job, sitting in a hotel room and the words of my Dietician could not be erased. That’s when it hit me, I had never taken the time to consider why I really wanted to have this procedure other than to lose weight. What are the personal reasons, why can’t I do this on my own, how is this going to change my life and am I ready for those changes?  Over the next couple of hours, I made a list of the reasons I wanted the surgery, not why Doctors thought it was a good idea, not because others were benefiting from it and not because my friends and family were excited for me. I needed to understand why I was choosing to change the way I have lived and the choices I had been making for over 60 years.
That day and that list may be the one thing that saved my life. It became personal, it became my mantra, it became my own Declaration of Independence from being unhealthy and grossly overweight. I shared it with my Dietitian at my next meeting along with a new respect for them and she looked at me, smiled and said “you get it now.”
Following that meeting I began making the changes needed to be prepared for what my life would be like after surgery. Not long after that I received the much-anticipated phone call from the office of my surgeon, Dr. Sonnenstine with the coveted date for surgery. I had succeeded in achieving what I set out to reach for, a much-needed change in my life. The tears flowed as the emotion of it all consumed me. I earned a new chance at a new life for me and my family. Instead of hoping to continue my life each year, I could begin to plan for a full life for years to come.
So, there I am, scrubbed, gowned and IV inserted, ready to go when the Anesthesiologist comes in to listen to my airways. It wasn’t long, maybe seconds before he tore his stethoscope from his ears as if he had heard a bomb go off and asks, “How long has that been going on?”
 What started as a tickle in my throat about 10 days earlier was now full-fledged bronchitis and I had the cough to prove it. I thought, with all of the medical advances over the years, there had to be a way to sooth my constant cough long enough to have the surgery. I had my theme song picked, “Best Day Of My Life.” Everyone knew today was my day. My post surgery liquid diet was prepared and in the refrigerator. They can’t possibly deny me this one more time.
The day was December 11th, it was 7:05am and yes they have the power to say not today. My first thought was, this is not meant to be. Three obstacles, three strikes, no surgery. Once again tears flowed but for a different reason. I felt defeated and alone despite the efforts of a very close friend who volunteered to be with me as I was prepped for the day. This was not what she signed up for. As I was dressing to make the walk of shame out of the surgery prep area because no one walks out of there on their own, the Doctor walked back in and said “we will get this re-scheduled before the end of the year, whatever it takes, just get rid of that cough!” Then later that day an early gift arrived when, Dr. Sonnenstine’s office called and said how does December 31st work for you? HAPPY NEW YEAR!! And guess what insurance company, my deductible has been met!!

So instead of liquid foods for the holidays, I was able to partake of the usual holiday spreads but didn’t really enjoy it. At this point I was scared when I went to sleep and grateful when I woke up. I really wondered if my body would make it to December 31st. It was tired physically and mentally and one more setback would be more than we could handle. Thanks to medications, the cough did go away and at 4am on December 31st, I did wake up. By the time everyone else was toasting the old year out and the New Year in I was beginning a new chapter in my life that has resulted in changes that I never dreamed possible.

But these pictures only tell one part of the story.  As of the day I write this I am 7 months post-op and I have lost nearly one-third of my body weight, I walk at least a mile a day in about 20 minutes, I swim a quarter mile in about the same time. Exercise, thanks to the Step It Up program that is offered through Weight Management is not a chore but something I look forward to.  I’m told I don’t snore and stop breathing when I sleep and I can play golf again. My mind seems stronger and I have discovered a newfound confidence in myself. I even went snow tubing with my Grandkids 10 weeks after surgery and I can walk and talk at the same time.

It seems each week I discover something new about my body and my life. I have had people not recognize me, my wardrobe has expanded beyond loose fitting clothes and elastic waist bands and I have dropped in size about every 2 months. I have discovered the outcast clothing of others that fill the racks of thrift stores, can fill my closet and drawers with temporary affordable clothing.
I have also found that I don’t like food. Eating is no longer enjoyable, but a punishment as you learn how to eat all over again. It’s ironic that right after surgery I was eating what looked like baby food and I was using spoons with Mickey Mouse on the ends, the same spoons I used to feed my kids when they learned to eat.
We form habits when we eat and the habits of my food loving past were coming back to haunt me. I struggle when plating with portion control or ordering in a restaurant. After filling my plate or over ordering, I barely make a dent in the foods I have chosen, even when I make the correct choices, much of my food is wasted. And once again I am a dietitian's worst nightmare. They have the answers, they want you to succeed and they want you to enjoy eating in a different way. The one thing that they cannot do, is do it for you, that’s up to you.
And by the way dumping syndrome is the real thing…nuff said!!
My next challenge to deal with is what happens when the euphoria of the surgery ends, when people stop complimenting me on my success and new look, and when food becomes a little easier to consume. I only hope the me of old is a distant past and I can cope with the challenges that await me.
What I do know is I am not alone.
From Dieticians to Psychiatrists, from Surgeons to Physiologists, from education and support groups to lifelong assistance, the Riverside Weight Management Program has everything one needs to succeed at weight loss and improving your life. If for some reason you don’t experience any of the success I have enjoyed, you must first look at yourself and ask did I do all that was asked of me. Did I listen and live the life they planned for me and if you can say yes to some part of that you will succeed. Those pictures from the weddings captured moments that are gone forever and thanks to this program I believe the person in those pictures is gone forever and I will continue to create a new and better life for this new me.

  Matt McCandlish

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thoughts and Prayers No More

18 school shootings in the first 45 days of 2018. 11 Police Officers killed in the past week. These tragic events  are more than just numbers and statistics.  They are the stained and torn fabric of our country. Images of children being forced from schools to safety with hands in the air are becoming the iconic images that define us as a country.

Within hours political leaders are quick to offer “our thoughts and prayers” as if to provide sympathy or comfort to those who must now deal with the nightmare of the tragic death of a loved one.  It’s meaning has become hallow and worthless

When someone says my thoughts are with you, what meaning is there behind those words, how can we even imagine what that person is going through, how their life has been changed, what emotions are tearing at their very being. It’s one thing to offer our thoughts to a relative or friend but when a political leader utters the same phrase, where does the meaning come from behind the words?

But when someone also offers prayers it’s even more personal. For me prayers are private, personal thoughts and concerns between me and God. How then do the prayers of someone else reach out to those we pray for?  How does something that is so personal carry meaning when offered by someone these people have never met.

But more than offering thoughts and prayers it’s time for those who have been elected to serve our country, defend our constitution and protect our freedoms, to finally put meaning behind their thoughts for victims and families. Only they have the power to bring life to their words by finally realizing why they chose to serve this country.

Too often they are referred to as Politicians instead of the elected official sworn to uphold the rights and freedoms of American Citizens. They let politics be their excuse for the inability to create needed change. They were not elected to deliver their thoughts and prayers, we gave them the power to enact change that will allow us to go about normal lives and no longer live in fear of our fellow citizens.

If we can no longer feel safe dropping off our kids at school, going to a movie or attending an outdoor music festival, what good are these rights and freedoms? No longer can we hold accountable just the deranged shooter but it’s time that  those who have the ability to actually make the changes to give back the freedoms we cherish to take the blame and be held accountable as well.

You Mr President, Justices of the Supreme Court, Senators and Representatives now have the blood of the innocent victims on your hands and it cannot be washed away through thoughts and prayers. Only your actions can bring changes that will allow your constituents to enjoy the freedom to go about normal lives. Until then fear is the new normal.

 We always hold high the courage of first responders’ and the job they do even though this is what they are trained to do and the profession they chose. I am grateful for these brave people, but my thoughts and prayers would be they never have to experience for real what they are trained to do. But on a cold Saturday morning in Westerville, OH, the unimaginable happened and 2 loved and respected police officers, husbands and fathers lost their lives to yet another shooting by a man who illegally purchased the weapon used to gun down these heroes.

We also praise the efforts of everyday Americans as we open our hearts and wallets searching for ways to help the victims of events that we wish never happened. My thoughts and prayers would be that instead of defining ourselves as those who come together when needed, we are those who come together to celebrate the peace and love we have for each other.

I was recently  astounded to hear a group of young people ages of 25 to 40 sharing what they had in their “bug out bags” and what they felt they needed to survive should our country be devastated by something other than natural disasters. These are the people who will be the next to bring about change and define our country and instead of talking about hope and dreams, they were discussing fear and selfishness.

No longer are thoughts and prayers enough, it’s time for action that finally brings change. Not to sound like a 60’s flower child but my hope and dream is we no longer ask or deliver thoughts and prayers but instead we live our lives in peace and with love of one another.   

Monday, December 4, 2017

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

The arguments have been made, the conspiracy theories are out there, yet Ohio State is still on the outside looking in. They are number one on the upgrade list but all of the seats for the playoff plane have been assigned by the selection committee
The cold hearted members of that select group…see what I did there…are not buying the reason Ohio State lost so badly in Iowa City against the Hawkeyes. They did it for the kids. With the Hawkeyes  new end of first quarter tradition of waving to the kids in the Children’s hospital overseeing the stadium, the Buckeyes not only waved to the kids but waved good-bye to their playoff dreams by losing badly to Iowa. But what Buckeye  wants to upset the kids and their parents by seeing Iowa get beat up on? Woody always said pay it forward, so…well…maybe that’s a little far fetched but could have been worth a try. 

A better idea than Nick Saban calling SportsCenter at midnight following the Ohio State defeat of previously unbeaten Wisconsin to pitch the reasons his Crimson Tide should be in the playoff even before Urban Meyer had his day in the championship spotlight.  What else did Saban have to do since Alabama was forced to stay home by not qualifying for their own conference championship game. Nick used the media and Ohio State used the kids…Wiki Leaks and Putin have to be a part of this. It’s all to despicable not to be true.
So the experts agree, losing to Iowa was bad for the Buckeyes and when given the eye test, not to be confused the every which way E chart, Alabama is the better team. Being a bit of a stats geek, I looked over both team stats to see if and how they match up, numbers wise:

Alabama definitely has the better defense and has committed half as many turnovers and with Ohio State’s proficiency of having drive killing penalties called in key situations, maybe it’s best Alabama has been given the coveted 4th spot in this year’s playoff.

In it’s 4th season the College Football Playoff now has 9 teams who have played, Alabama in all 4 years and this year Georgia makes its debut. I would not call 3 years history but I’m sure the SEC will lay claim to it being the first conference in the history of the Playoff to have two teams and Alabama never missing one.

Not a lot of history, just some basic facts to ease the mind of Buckeye Nation. Now it’s time to turn attention to the other conference champion left out of the playoff picture , Southern Cal and what should be a great game down in Jerry Land in the Cotton Bowl, which is not played in the Cotton Bowl.

 Remember, this is the place where Ohio State won the first College Football Playoff championship after sending the CFB playoff darling Crimson Tide home early in the semi finals.

So put away your Playoff voo-doo dolls,  make your plans for Dallas and hope for a convincing win over the Trojans, they deserve a Buckeye beat down. 

Then rest up because Oregon State visits The Shoe just 247 days later.    

Saturday, October 28, 2017

It's My Birthday and I'll Post If I Want To

Today I begin my 63rd trip around the sun. Or did  I just conclude my 62nd year of adventures while travelling around our source of life sustaining heat and light? Either way it's my birthday, it's cold and it's snowing here in my hometown of Columbus, Ohio and I'm trying to put into words what these 62 years have amounted to. Plus it's just a good day to listen to some music and just write.

To begin I consider myself a pretty fortunate guy. From Grandparents to Grandchildren and all my family in between, I would not change a thing. Unconditional love, respect and kindness for each other is the glue that holds us together. We make each other better and in some small, way the world around us.   I've enjoyed amazing experiences, learned valuable lessons, passed on somewhat valuable knowledge and accumulated enough memories, good and bad, to fill a very large attic. It's a good life, a great family and one I would like to continue being a part of for quite some time.

I have become friends with people who have not just influenced my life but provided me with the laughter, the tears and the unselfish caring thoughts and actions that sustain me. Some are personal friends, some are friends from work but each one has a special place in my life and my heart. Some might be more special than others but each has impacted my life.

I have an amazing job and been lucky to have worked in  the same profession for over 40 years. I have been able to work with and learn from some amazing people, see things and go places that otherwise I would have never experienced and hopefully made some kind of dent in someone else's life.

 Now I know some are reading this for post foot surgery updates, so not to disappoint,  I am now back in my own home and doing fine. The only thing keeping me from enjoying a somewhat normal life are 15 steps or Mount Stairway. So far the only method to ascend to the top of this summit, that has a warm bed and hot shower, is once again crawling on my hands and knees in order to experience such comforts. And since I am sans sherpa to bring my one legged walking tools, I am relegated to the first floor base camp.

I have another appointment to have the stitches removed and assess my progress on Wednesday so hopefully day old treats and no tricks.

Now as I look out the window and I see snowflakes are still falling.   I look forward to new and exciting events during this next year while being extremely grateful for all that I have experienced with each passing year and hopefully the sun will continue to shine.     

Friday, October 20, 2017

2 week post op update

I passed the two week point with flying colors. All 3 incisions in my foot are healing the way they should. I thought the stitches would be removed today, but instead it was decided they needed to stay another two weeks. I was given a print of the x-rays which showed 2 screws in my heel. I didn’t even know I was getting screws. But now that I think about it, the surgeon did move my heel further right so I guess it has to attach to something so I guess I’m screwed.

The hardest part of the day was choosing the cast color. Do I go with green for my Ohio Bobcats, blue to match most of my shoes, or pink for breast cancer awareness month? I kept it simple and sensible. The basic black so as not to show the dirt however  I get a new one on November 1st so who knows what might be next. 

I will admit it’s  been a little humiliating and eye opening during these first two weeks. It’s only temporary but losing your independence and having to rely on my daughter and son in law for my ordinary needs has been both humbling and inspiring. I have enjoyed some accomplishments in my professional and personal life but the morning I figured out how to dress myself, cutting one of the last ties to those taking care of me, for a moment put any other achievements behind me. I am motivated by the loss of weight since surgery and the changes in my diet, thanks to my daughters.

You might remember the adventure it took for me to just get in the house the day after surgery. Since then, I have knocked minutes off my time. I now bound steps…with knee pads, crawl on said knee pads across the kitchen floor, slide on my butt out the door and down three steps to my waiting scooter. My 19-month-old Grandson Gavin, who just started walking, seems a bit confused as if to say this is what I have to look forward to?

It’s amazing what we take for granted, the simple things like getting up and sitting down, how we move around or negotiate obstacles so easily.  I know this is just a bump in the road for me compared to those who have much longer recoveries from life threatening illnesses and injuries but it has opened my eyes to the gifts we have been given.

Stop to celebrate the big and not so big moments in your lives because no matter the significance, never take for granted things and events that bring happiness to you and those you touch. It’s been a bizarre week in so many ways, we all need a dose of happiness and a dash of laughter this weekend. Cheers!